#The story of your life lyrics full#
I’m not really sure what people did before the Internet, but now when you hear a song on the radio and if you didn’t already Shazam it while driving, then you can easily do a search to find any song, old or new, in just a few seconds. Find the full lyrics of 'Count Your Blessings' and the background story of its author below as well as the biblical inspiration of this hymn Count Your Blessings Lyrics. It doesn’t require you to sign up or anything, a simple web player pops up and starts playing the song. One nice feature is the ability to listen to the song while you have the lyrics up. If you click on the link, you’ll get the lyrics page. In my case, I went ahead and checked only Within Lyrics and then I got the Linkin Park result I was looking for: Is my name in this book of life here Un-forgiveness lurks within your heart. Free, curated and guaranteed quality with ukulele chord diagrams, transposer and auto scroller. You can also do an exact match search if you want. Ukulele chords and tabs for 'Story Of My Life' by One Direction. If you’re having trouble constructing an honest yet positive life narrative, here is an exercise to help you. Firstly, go ahead perform a search using the search box at the top.Īs with MetroLyrics, you can search on Artist, Album, Song Title and Within Lyrics. Tell your story to yourselfand make sure you tell the right one. isn’t as nice looking as MetroLyrics, but it still returns very good results. Overall, this site is fine if you only want to search for lyrics, but it’s really good at keeping you engaged with a lot of other info if you’re someone who is interested in music. I also like the fact that it tells you who actually wrote the song, an item most lyric sites don’t mention. On the actual lyrics page, you can print the lyrics if you like, watch the music video if it’s available and even correct the lyrics since it’s community edited like Wikipedia. This site shows exact matches, but also shows close matches, so if you don’t get every word right, you should still be able to find the song. Also, I really like their search because there are a lot of times I can’t remember the exact words from the song, so I end up searching for the wrong lyrics. Sometimes having too many results can be overwhelming, but MetroLyrics does a good job of showing the best matches at the top and then showing the less relevant results below. Sing me a song Of your love gone wrong Sing me a song of your love And I'll play you a tune In my big bedroom Sing me a song of your love Paint me a scene Of your wildest dreams Paint me a scene of your dreams Then I'll draw you a map To my little love shack Paint me a scene of your dreams Tell me the story of your life Don't bore me Tell me the story of your life And I'll spin you a yarn.

#The story of your life lyrics plus#
I clicked on Lyrics just to see those results and as you can see, it found the song I was looking for plus a whole bunch of other songs.

The search feature is also pretty awesome in that it will search your keywords in not only lyrics, but also artists, song names, videos, album names and even the news. is probably my favorite site for searching for lyrics because it gives you a lot more information beyond what you were even looking for.